How You Can Support Our Mission
HacDC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The organization needs your support to defray operating expenses in order to fulfill its educational programs and community service.
Federal Employees
We are a registered charity under the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)! Just designate Charity #32991 as a donee.
Donate two ways via PayPal
PayPal Option 1: Recurring Donation
We offer the ability to make monthly donations through the Friends of HacDC program. Unlike membership dues, these subscription donations can be tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law:
PayPal Option 2: One-time Donation
As an alternative to monthly donations, you can also donate any amount you wish. These donations can be tax-deductible as allowable by law:
Donate by US Mail
Donations by check can be made out to “HacDC,” with a memo declaring it as a “donation” or “gift”. They can be given to a board member or mailed to:
HacDC Treasurer
1525 Newton St NW
Washington DC 20010
Note: Please e-mail the Treasurer at email hidden; JavaScript is required if you have any questions or would like to pursue methods other than those listed on this page for contributing to HacDC.
HacDC accepts computer hardware donations and donations of electrical test equipment, electrical equipment of any function, and shop/hand/power tools. We also accept donations of bulk electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, micro-chips, wire, solder, etc.
We’re always on the lookout for project fodder and useful equipment. Please check out our wishlist page or e-mail email hidden; JavaScript is required for more information! Thanks!
HacDC members can provide donors with a tax-deductible receipt, which should include a mention of HacDC, an itemized list with value declarations, and (ideally) a signature.
Become A Member!
Members sustain HacDC by organizing its programs and providing dues. Consider becoming a member today!